Divorce Drama: How Barbie, Beyoncé, and Taylor Swift Are Connected

Independent women. A resurgence in confidence. Body-image positivity. Self-expression. Those themes all run through three major events prevalent in pop culture today: Barbie, Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, and Beyonce’s Renaissance Tour. A celebrity divorce lawyer, Laura Wasser, even connected all three phenomena to a higher divorce rate. She stated, “They’re feeling their power by going to see Barbie and Taylor and BeyoncĂ©. And they’re like, ‘I don’t need this.'” Why is this?

1. Elevates Confidence

Taylor Swift
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Watching strong women live out their “wildest dreams” helps less confident individuals see themselves in a new light, all while shouting, “Hi, Barbie,” to other women facing the same issues. In the Eras Tour, Taylor pauses for a moment to say that the applause from the crowd makes her feel like The Man, a preface to her 2019 snap at gender norms.

2. Take a Date to Barbie

Couples watching movie in open theatre
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“When Barbie first came out, a coworker asked what movie she and a date should see. I said Barbie, and she scoffed at taking a dude to see it. I told her any man opposed to seeing Barbie because it’s a ‘girl movie’ isn’t someone you should be dating. And I fully stand by that,” this strong, independent woman mentions.

3. Strength To Stand Up

Couples arguing and fighting
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A user shares a heartwarming sentiment that these displays of strong, confident, independent women facing injustice and making moves in the world translate to supplying women with the inner strength to get out of relationships they were settling for.

4. Fostering Wholesome Connections

Friendship bracelets
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Every summer trend this year started from a woman’s mind. “I also love the wholesome trends that came with it. I think dressing up in fun costumes, making friendship bracelets, and swapping them is the cutest thing society has come up with in a while,” a consumer beams.

5. Away With Unhappiness

Couples fighting, woman upset
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The Barbie movie, The Eras Tour, and the Renaissance Tour shared a common thread: women no longer need to put up with a “tolerable level of permanent unhappiness.” They can explore the world and their passions without a negative system dragging down their self-image.

6. Support From the Right People

Man showing thumbs up
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Multiple women on this thread note that their husbands, brothers, and male friends who demonstrated interest in any of these three events support women and maintain positive values. According to the thread, any man who talks poorly about these events needs to reevaluate their beliefs.

7. Escaping Toxicity

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Several commentators argue about Beyonce staying with her husband despite infidelity. One says they can’t fathom why Beyonce harps on independence but remains in a faithless marriage. In contrast, others state that she believes in giving the right people second chances, granted they change their toxic behaviors.

8. Empowerment

Man saying awesome
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A male respondent strikes a similar stance held by most women on the movie of the year. “I’m a dude, and I loved the Barbie movie. I felt empowered by it. It had such a great message, and it didn’t feel preachy at all,” he radiates.

9. What Do I Want?

Woman thinking
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My favorite part of the Barbie movie is when America Ferreira delivers an impeccable monologue about what it means to be a woman in society’s eyes. When she steps back from all that, she realizes she wants to be a great mother and continue pursuing a meaningful job while supporting women. When people watch Barbie, The Eras Tour, or the Renaissance Tour, they shriek, laugh, and cry because they relate the female experience to their lives. After witnessing these spectacles, people tend to reflect on what they want to pursue and the values they hold close to their hearts.

10. Failure To See Other Sides

Woman refusing
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“I decided I was done with a friendship with a guy because of his rant that the Barbie movie was man-hating, social justice warrior garbage. He refused even to consider that the movie was maybe satire. Then he said the status quo for women was fine because he had women as bosses. Get out of here. Waste of my Kenergy,” a Barbie fan recalls.

Source: Reddit.

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Woman eating popcorn Photo Credit: Shutterstock

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woman wasting money Image Credit: Dean Drobot From Canva.com

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